Hiking Challenges

52 Hike Challenge

Huellas Latinas Winter Hiking Challenge 2023 seeks to encourage more people, especially members of the Latino community, to go outside in winter, in natural, healthy and inspiring environments.

Huellas Latinas Winter Hiking Challenge 2023

In 2021 I joined the challenge at #52HikeChallenge2021. It was the best decision of my life, with each step I felt very excited and inspired. This challenge has encouraged me to develop my hiking skills, explore new places, learn about nature and above all, it has allowed me to connect with myself while living the city, its natural and built spaces. I plan to keep doing this challenge every year and I invite you to join in and transform your life by enjoying great outdoor adventures.

Superior Hiking Trail

In August 2023, I embarked on the extraordinary adventure of hiking the 310-mile Superior Hiking Trail (SHT) from the Wisconsin-Minnesota border to the Canadian border. This being my first attempt at a thru-hike, I hiked 70 miles before having to leave the trail due to an injury. In 2024, I plan to resume this adventure and reach the goal. Learn more about this journey.


“I can affirm that I will always be grateful to the 52 Hike Challenge because it challenged me to explore a new version of myself, it inspired me to support others and today we are one vibrant outdoor community!”

I found out that Huellas Latinas was born as a result of the 52 Hike Challenge, talking with Luisana who told me that by taking the challenge more and more friends wanted to join and walk with her. I am especially proud to have completed my first year of this challenge as I accepted it bringing my daughter (now 5 years old) who has multiple disabilities. We already spent a lot of time outdoors and love being in nature, but when she started walking independently during the summer of 2022, I realized that she loved hiking. So I asked myself if it would be a good idea to take the 52 Hike Challenge too. We do not take her to weekly physical therapy therapies in clinic, since she responds better to intensive movement several times a year. But it is important that we continue to offer regular physical activity and the challenge serves as a reminder for me. Nature offers so many variations to try and continue developing your skills!


If you have a question or if you need more information, please don’t doubt contact to me.