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The Spring Seven Challenge

Spring Seven
The Spring Seven Challenge

Únete a Huellas Latinas y Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge para disfrutar de nuestro reto de primavera-verano: “The Spring Seven Challenge”.

Este reto nos llevará a realizar un recorrido de 7 millas a través de los senderos de Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. Este reto es un espacio invita a las familias latinas a conocer este hermoso parque. Aprender sobre la recreación al aire libre. Educarse en temas de conservación y medio ambiente. Al tiempo, que fortalece los lazos de la comunidad. Al completar el recorrido, disfrutaremos de un grandioso almuerzo cortesía de los Amigos del Refugio.

📆Día: Domingo 19 de mayo
⏰Hora: 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM
📍Dónde: Old Cedar Ave Bridge Trailhead – 9551 Old Cedar Ave, Bloomington, MN 55044
🅿️Parking: Free
🥾Millas: ~ 7 millas
⌛️Tiempo estimado: ~ 4.5 horas
🟢Nivel de dificultad: 6/10
🧒Niños: No.
🐶Mascotas: Si, con leash.
⭐️ Hiking en colaboración con National Wildlife Refuge System y Amigos del Refugio.
🔶 Usar ropa adecuada al clima y traer hidratación.
ℹ️ Cupos Limitados para 25 personas

  • ATENCIÓN: Un registro por persona.
  • NOTA: Este registro cierra el viernes 17 de mayo a las 12:00 PM o al completarse los cupos.
  • CANCELACIÓN: Este evento podría ser cancelado 2 horas antes del mismo día del evento dependiendo de las condiciones del clima u otros imprevistos.

NEWS!!!! Por tercer año consecutivo, estaremos recorriendo 7 millas en los senderos de Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. Este año, estamos lanzando nuestra The Spring Seven Challenge T-Shirt. Al adquirir la T-Shirt de este reto, estarás donando directamente a nuestra organización. Costo $28.00 – Puedes hacer tu pedido antes del 10 de Mayo al 612-999-4953.

Join Huellas Latinas and Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge to enjoy our spring-summer challenge: “The Spring Seven Chellenge”.

This challenge will take us on a 7-mile journey through the trails of the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. This challenge is a space that invites Latin families to get to know this beautiful park. Learn about outdoor recreation. Educate yourself on conservation and environmental issues. At the same time, it strengthens community ties. At the end of the tour, we will enjoy a great lunch courtesy of the RefugeFriends.

📆 Day: Sunday May 19th
⏰Time: 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM
📍Where: Old Cedar Ave Bridge Trailhead – 9551 Old Cedar Ave, Bloomington, MN 55044
🅿️Parking: Free
🥾Miles: ~7 miles
⌛️Estimated time: ~ 4.5 hours
🟢Difficulty level: 6/10
🧒Children: No.
🐶 Pets: Yes, with leash.
⭐️ Hiking in collaboration with the National Wildlife Refuge System and Friends of the Refuge.
🔶 Wear clothes suitable for the weather and bring hydration.
i ️ Limited Quotas for 25 people

  • ATTENTION: One registration per person.
  • NOTE: This registration closes on Friday, May 17 at 12:00 PM or when the quotas are filled.
  • CANCELLATION: This event could be canceled 2 hours before the day of the event depending on weather conditions or other unforeseen events.

NEWS!!!! For the third year in a row, we will be hiking 7 miles on the trails of the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. This year, we are launching our The Spring Seven Challenge T-Shirt. By purchasing the T-Shirt for this challenge, you will be donating directly to our organization. Cost $28.00 – You can place your order before May 10 at 612-999-4953.


This event is fully booked.

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