Huellas Latinas – A new adventure
Hi everyone!
A few years ago I discovered my passion for the city and that is why I became an Urban Planner. Since then, I have not stopped talking about the city and all the elements that make it up: its streets, the transport system, public spaces, natural spaces, monuments, etc. As an Urban Planner and also a Civil Engineer, I always wonder about the history of the places I visit: how were they born? Why are they there? which represent? These are some of my initial questions. It fills me with fascination to see the buildings and the interaction they have with the most important element in any city, people.
In 2016, together with a group of friends and colleagues, we started a project in Venezuela called Jueves de Ciudad. We did various activities to talk about urban and sustainable mobility, risk management, public spaces, etc. Then the project became a radio and television program. It was a window to promote art and culture, talk about history and show the most relevant infrastructures of the city where I grew up – El Vigía.
Today I live in Minnesota, US. Since I arrived I have not stopped visiting every corner of the state trying to get to know it in depth. I practice Hiking and I am doing several challenges with this activity: #52HikeChallenge2021 – #RetoMujerLatina100millas, Passport Club MN and Hiking Club MN. By doing my path to meet these challenges, I am getting to know Minnesota state, regional and local parks. The more I know, the more I am motivated and excited to continue knowing and exploring new places. and why not, perhaps take on new challenges.
“Don’t just live in the City, be part of it”
When we are immigrants we go through many stages, from culture shock to learning a new language (in my case English), among other things no less important. While we walk that path, very different and proper for each one, our heart constantly seeks to “belong.”
After living in Minnesota for more than 3 years, I can proudly say that I have developed my sense of belonging. Although I am still on my own path, today I feel part of this place, I love it, and I am very grateful for all the opportunities it has given me. If you are living your own battle of belonging, the best advice I can give you is, “don’t just live in the city, be part of it.” Get to know your neighborhood, the parks around you, make new friends, open your heart to a new culture, but, above all, give yourself the opportunity to live new experiences that are meaningful, that allow you to grow, develop and transcend wherever you are.
A new adventure
I have always kept in mind that, in our journey through the city, we build history and leave indelible footprints on the collective memory of the present and the future.
“The legacy that I want to leave is like a footprint that shows that I have walked with courage and great happiness”.
Huellas Latinas has become my new adventure. A space where I will be sharing information about the city, history, my experiences and points of view, under a Human and Sustainable approach.
If you are looking to learn more about the elements of cities, outdoor activities, and learn a little about local history, inside and outside Minnesota, this blog is for you. I will teach you to live the city with your senses. And hopefully, I hope my lines motivate you to discover new places and to live new adventures.
Warning! I’m not the most experienced blogger, so I hope it gets better and more interesting over time. Be nice!
“We all leave footprints on our journey through life; make sure yours are worth pursuing” – Bob Teague.
Thank you for joining and living this experience with me! – Follow me on my social media and leave me a comment, greeting, or any question you have. I will be happy to read you.
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